
As part of the Florida Institute on Interpersonal Violence initiative, the 家事法庭办事处 (OFC) has developed curricula that can be used by the stakeholders license-free in each circuit to plan and present trainings on various domestic violence topics. The goal is to for a circuit leader to take these materials, 让它们适应自己的电路, and present the training during a lunch and learn event with judges, 法院工作人员, 和利益相关者.


In conjunction with the Florida State University Institute of Family Violence Studies, OFC开发了这个2小时的课程, 互动, 虐待老人问题多学科讲习班. The goal of the workshop is for the court and its stakeholders to learn how to improve the court process for elders. 课程包括 残疾及虐待工具包,以及下面的视频.



In conjunction with the Disability Independence Group, Inc., OFC has developed this curriculum for a 2-hour, 互动, multidisciplinary workshop. The goal of the workshop is for the court and its stakeholders to learn how to improve the court process for people with disabilities. 课程包括 残疾及虐待工具包PDF下载,以及下面的两个视频. Attorneys that attend the training will be eligible to receive up to 2.参考课程的5个CLE 2301784N (2024年9月30日前有效).




These films all vividly show different aspects of interpersonal violence and when included in local training programs, 能引发深入的对话和计划会议吗. 对这些影片收取象征性的许可费.


最后一滴 is a 40-minute sci-fi film about relationship abuse, 灵感来自真实幸存者的回忆, and Executive Produced by The One Love Foundation and The Safe & 一起研究所. The film is designed to fill the glaring gap in educational material about 强制性控制, and show what abuse often looks like before it turns violent. It's a great tool for educating young people on abuse prevention, 为你的事业筹款, 培训专业人员, 为幸存者发声, 和更多的.

欲了解更多信息并观看预告片,请访问 thelastdropfilm.com. If you want to see the full film or if you have any questions, feel free to email the producers at lastdropfilm@gmail.com.


  • 高质量的Vimeo电影链接的最后一滴
  • A digital Event Planning Package with checklists, promotional materials, handouts, 和更多的
  • 讨论指南s created by The One Love Foundation and The Safe & 一起研究所
  • 可选插件: 亚当·乔尔, 《拉菲2客户端》的编剧兼导演, is available for speaking engagements at virtual and in-person screening events


这是哪里 我学会了不睡觉


寻求正义的一部分. 治愈之旅的一部分. Decorated Nashville cop Mark Wynn wrestles with his own violent childhood while working to reform decades of domestic violence mishandling, 掩盖, 以及执法部门内部的滥用职权.

“我和一个怪物住在一起. 我知道是怎么回事.” Lt. Mark Wynn challenges fellow police officers to end generations of disregard and systemic failures around domestic violence. 在德克萨斯州农村训练军官的时候, Mark revisits his childhood home for the first time since he escaped as a child and confronts his family’s traumatic past. How was he able to break the cycle of violence that traps so many men?

可以接受敏感的警察训练, the film explores the complex relationship between police and family violence. 通过揭露自己令人难以忘怀的童年, Mark challenges other men to stand up and reform the system to better help women and children. “Men create 98% of these crimes – it’s up to us to stop the violence.”

Bringing together the Producers, Impact Producers and Filmmakers from The 首页stretch, Audrey & 黛西, 私人暴力和欺凌, this project brings a unique depth to the dialogue around police reform and challenges perceptions of violence against women and children. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.thisiswherefilm.com/.


  • 高品质胶片链接 
  • 宣传材料 & 讨论指南
  • 可选插件: Lt. 马克·韦恩(退休.), 电影的主题, is available for speaking engagements or trainings at virtual and in-person screening events

For more information and licensing rates, please contact the producers 在这里.



Vulnerability and strength prove vital to a resilient woman who finds herself in a dangerous situation with her police officer husband. 

OSCA utilized clips from this film to enhance their e-training module on 强制性控制.

没有平凡的爱, 哪个描述了强制控制, 涉案人员DV, 心理健康, 增加武器的危险, 儿童证人, 以信仰为基础的滥用, 还有更多, 收到了家庭暴力专家的好评.

“This film offers an authentic depiction of domestic violence!” 上士说. Joanne Archambault, founder and former CEO of End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI). “I highly recommend using it to engage communities in meaningful conversations.”

蕾切尔·路易斯·斯奈德, award-winning author of No Visible Bruises (2019 New York Times Top 10 Book) said, “哇! 真是了不起的工作.”

“Survivors tell us they see themselves and their story on the big screen for the first time and feel validated,执行制片人兼幸存者说道, 特蕾西校长.


没有平凡的爱 提供给家庭暴力机构吗, 公安院校, community groups and college campuses as an innovative way to raise awareness. In addition to being featured in the OSCA e-training, NOL screened with the 佛罗里达州立家庭暴力研究所 last year and multiple DVAM events, college campuses, tribal communities, etc. 


  • 向团体放映电影的教育执照
  • DVD (use in perpetuity) and high quality streaming link (one-time use)
  • 16-page Guidebook to assist in a successful screening including six pages of movie scenes to aid during discussion after the film


  • 电影海报图片
  • 用于营销活动的宣传图形文件
  • Dating Violence Handout (for colleges, can add campus info)
  • 执行制片人, 特蕾西校长和/或编剧兼导演, Chyna Robinson可以主持/共同主持一个Q&放映后对观众的反馈.

在这里观看预告片: 没有平凡的爱

Private screener available to those considering hosting a screening. To inquire about showing the film at an event or for a private screener, please contact: 特蕾西.rector@gmail.com.

欲了解更多关于这部电影的信息,请访问 NoOrdinaryLoveMovie.com

